Your body is not betraying you
I spent (wasted) much of my life thinking my greatest enemy was my body.
That this vessel I inhabit was rooting for the other side, plotting and scheming and manipulating its way toward victory through any means necessary.
Simply moving through the world, navigating daily life often felt like an impossible task, a Herculean effort to step outside and brave the day.
It still does.
► Bright lights
► Loud sounds
► Leaf blowers
► Fire trucks
► Unpredictable, screaming children running from out of nowhere
► Automatic flush toilets (*Especially* automatic flush toilets…)
All out to get me, to wear me down, beat me to a pulp until I waive the white flag.
And you know what? I surrender. I do.
Because my body is not my enemy. My body is my teacher.
The greatest there is, in fact.
Guiding me toward what needs tending to, toward taking greater, more exquisite care of my Self.
Toward healing my soul.
The body is the great communicator of Spirit.
Your body is speaking to you.
What’s yours saying?