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Article: How to balance the heat of menopause

How to balance the heat of menopause

How to balance the heat of menopause

MK described herself as “full of fire” and had a hard time slowing down. 

She was headstrong, with a fiery personality, and was in the throes of menopause.

She was seeking relief from a stressful career, major life changes, low back pain, and a changing body. During her intake and initial breath, postural, and movement assessment, I observed several qualities consistent with pitta (heat) aggravation: 

🔥 Sharp, quick wit

🔥 Hot temper

🔥 Physical inflammation 

🔥 Disrupted sleep

🔥 Chin protruding forward 

🔥 Right foot pointed forward, ahead of the left 

🔥🔥🔥 It was also summertime.


So I designed a custom program to help MK balance the heat to guide her toward her goals of feeling more grounded, reducing her back pain, and getting 8 hours of solid sleep /night :


💎 Devoting 5 minutes of standing barefoot on cool, dewey grass before leaving for work in the morning

💎 2 cooling breathing practices before be

💎 A grounding Yin + mindful hatha Yoga practice

💎 A simple self-guided body scan with cool blue imagery

💎 A postural awareness practice to balance solar (heating, action-oriented) and lunar (cooling, calming) energy

💎 A journal exercise to help her notice her self-talk when her body, mind, and breath felt hot, and a specific framework to help turn down the heat


At first it was challenging.


She said she’d tried everything. Nothing was working. So why should this woo-woo stuff make any difference? 


It DID make a difference.

And when her plan needed adjustment based on the time of day or her energy levels, we pivoted. I met MK where she was in the moment, with awareness of where she wanted to be.

She began showing up to our sessions with a calmer head, more balanced energy, and greater patience. It was a delightful transformation. 

She began to notice what was asking for more healing. And so she listened.


(PS: Dealing with challenging peri/menopause symptoms? Curious how to get your own custom wellness plan? Head over here and get started today.)

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