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1:1 Programs

I offer a range of options for women like you who are ready to dive in. Whether you're looking to get started, need a little tune-up, hand-holding, or are interested a more white glove experience, there's a program for you.


Jumpstart Package

Perfect if you're just starting your healing journey, want to explore beyond your current practice, or simply want a few tools and practices you can take with you anywhere.

1:1 attention + fully personalized treatment plan

Session 1: 75 min Intake

Session 2: 60 min treatment plan session

Session 3: 45 min followup session

Session 4: 20 min check-in and followup

Includes session notes + communication access to portal for questions

To help you stay on track: 1 session/week is recommended, ideally with no more than 10 days in between sessions. Package expires 2 months from purchase.


VIP Package

Ready for some transformation? This VIP package is designed specifically for you if:

• you're fully committed to doing the work and feeling better today

• want the accountability to help you make sustainable changes with a concentrated timeframe

• appreciate a little hand holding and tough love to help you get through challenges

• 6-12 weeks of 1:1 attention + fully personalized treatment plan

• 75 min intake

• 60 minute treatment plan session

• 5 Weekly 1:1 45 min sessions

• 5 weekly 20 min mid-session accountability check-ins + tune ups to help you stay on track 

• Session notes, bonus recordings, and printable practice cheat sheets

• Unlimited access to communication portal for duration of therapy for questions

*package expires 3 months from date of purchase